Sunday, April 10, 2011

Old People Driving

Okay, now I don't condone actual violence against old people, but sometimes you want the oldie to know they shouldn't be driving. Merging onto the highway one day, I assumed that it was going to be easy to use conventional methods like a turn signal, situational awareness, and a constant safe speed. However, I was nearly killed by an old lady ahead of me that slowed down to a crawling speed of 20 miles per hour. Fortunately, I was able to dodge her dilapidated Cadillac and live to write another day, but I can't say the same for the family of four on their way to grandma's house.

This sad tale is just one reason that people should remain cognizant of the elders in their families. Ask yourself, would I be a passenger in a car with great aunt Blanch driving? Would I allow my children to risk their lives in a moving missile? More to the point, I think it is safe to say that old drivers that hazard the roads we commute on fall into the category of: People that need a good beating!  

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

People That Need a Good Beating

There are people out there, you know who they are, that need a good beating. Some people just need a good shock to the system to let them know that they are wrong in oh so many ways. I am here to digress and assentuate those types of people that just need a very, very good physical wake up call. Now, I already hear you naysayers and my response to your "well you can't just hit people" speech is this: This is just a metaphoric assult to ego's and wrongs that people commit to you as well. I am sure you sit in your car and expand on what you would do on the guy who cut you off just a minute ago in traffic, or the old lady halting traffic for miles just to change lanes! This is to address them and expand on what would be interesting if one could actually let them know how much we dislike them.